MD at Bedside - Best Care Anywhere


Available as Telemedicine anywhere in California
House Calls in the San Francisco Bay Area
Office Visits in Berkeley
Call (510) 914-0810 to Speak with Dr. Sheets if you are not sure which option is best for you.

Urgent Care

Rashes, cuts, sprains, urinary tract symptoms, anxiety, and urgent issues related to chronic medical conditions.


Assist with complex medical decision-making, guidance through the medical system, and advocacy efforts

In depth review of history, records, or complex medical situations. Second opinions and medical "mysteries."

If you are having an emergency,
go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Berkeley, CA 94705

“MD at Bedside strives to simplify the complex, smooth out the medical process, and expertly guide patients back to health."

So much of our medical experience today is fragmented, rushed, and fails to capture what is both necessary and sufficient for real recovery. A doctor may diagnose and treat your illness, but doesn’t have time to sign papers for physical therapy, suggest orthotic devices, or write a statement so that you can safely return to work. As a result, the conditions which lead to your illness have not been addressed, leading you to have more problems in the future.

Annemarie Sheets, MD
Founder and Physician
MD at Bedside
Phone: (510) 914-0810  
Fax: (510) 275-0178
MD at Bedside
Best Care Anywhere © 
Annemarie Sheets, MD 2022